2 latest business news: Guanghu Cui of Oakville, Ont. and AI (Artificial Intelligence) gets more human-like

2 latest business news: Guanghu Cui of Oakville, Ont. and AI (Artificial Intelligence) gets more human-like – In the ever-evolving business world, two recent pieces of news caught our attention. First, Guanghu Cui from Oakville, Ontario, who is increasingly stealing attention with his innovative steps and visionary leadership in the technology industry. Second, rapid progress in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), which increasingly resembles human nature, opens up new opportunities and challenges for various sectors. These two topics highlight business dynamics that are not only growing rapidly, but also significantly changing the global economic landscape.
1. Guanghu Cui of Oakville, Ont., declined to sign a confidentiality agreement

Guanghu Cui was checking his TD bank statement in March, preparing to pay taxes for his small immigration consulting firm in Oakville, Ont., when he noticed a $1.50 fee to send an e-transfer.
That was surprising, because when he opened his business account three years ago, his financial advisor told him the plan included five free transactions per month, and he never exceeded that amount.
Cui complained. Ultimately, TD said it would refund the fee and compensate him for the “disappointment and inconvenience.”
However, when the documents arrived for Cui to sign, they included a condition stating that he must “keep them confidential.” While he could talk about the dispute, he was not allowed to tell anyone that TD had offered compensation.
“I was really surprised, to be honest, because I didn’t do anything wrong,” Cui said. “Why are you trying to silence me?”
Confidentiality contracts known as non-disclosure agreements or NDAs were originally created to protect trade secrets or intellectual property, but have evolved into a common tool to silence people who have been harmed: financially, professionally, or in the case of sexual harassment victims, physically and mentally.
After Go Public got involved, TD apologized to Cui in a phone call he recorded.
A spokesperson said that Cui’s concerns had been “further reviewed” and he no longer had to sign an NDA. When Cui questioned why TD was backing out, the spokesperson said the agreement was “for documentation only.”
In an email to Go Public, a spokesperson said that the bank does not “believe that Mr. Cui should have been required to sign a Settlement and Release document in this matter.”
He wouldn’t say why Cui was asked to sign an NDA in the first place and said the experience would be used as a “training opportunity.” (Read More: Alberta growth plunged but still beats rest of Canada on 2024)
2. As AI gets more human-like, experts warn we must think more critically about its responses
“Oh, stop, you’re making me blush!”
That’s ChatGPT’s response when a researcher tells the chatbot that he’s in a good mood because he’s demonstrating “how useful and amazing you are.”
Both OpenAI and Google announced improvements to their artificial intelligence (AI) technology as part of a push to make it faster, and provide more conversational responses.
“It feels like AI from a movie,” wrote OpenAI CEO Sam Altman in a blog post. “Talking to a computer never felt completely natural to me; now it does.”
But researchers in the technology and artificial intelligence sectors warn that as people get information from AI systems in more user-friendly ways, they should also be wary of inaccurate or misleading responses to their questions.
And because AI systems often don’t reveal how they reach a conclusion, because companies want to protect the trade secrets behind how they work, they also tend not to display as much raw results or source data as traditional search engines.
This means they are more susceptible to giving answers that look or sound convincing, even if they are wrong.
Conclusion article 2 latest business news
Oakville’s Guanghu Cui declined to sign a confidentiality agreement with TD Bank regarding erroneous transaction fees, while advances in AI make interactions more human, but experts warn it’s important to be wary of inaccurate or misleading information from increasingly sophisticated AI systems.
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